Clarity in Court Proceedings (ClarAct): A New Database for Scholars and Citizens.

Lengthy, obscure judicial acts hamper the efficiency of the trial and undermine the citizen's trust in justice. The AttiChiari project aims at creating a new resource for a clear and effective writing of acts, aimed at concreteness, clarity and incisiveness, focusing on a type of text with few exceptions unexplored, the acts of the parties to the case, in both civil and criminal law. The specific objectives are: (i) the collection, for the first time in Italy, of a database of such parties’ documents, relating to proceedings both by the Supreme Court and by a set of geographically diversified Courts and Courts of Appeal (Genoa, Lecce, Viterbo, Florence, Turin, Milan, Bologna, Rome, Naples, Catania, Treviso). (ii) the qualitative study of both the textual and stylistic features and the rhetorical and argumentative structure of these texts, hitherto inaccessible to research. (iii) the identification of a selection of particularly well written and well structured texts, collected in a section of the database, available to both private lawyers and judges as examples of good practice of clear and effective writing, and to the citizen as an aid to the understanding of texts intended for him, but too often indecipherable, even for the educated reader.
The project, which sees the collaboration of important figures of the judiciary and the bar, is based on and consolidates a close synergy among universities, professions and territory, as well as between linguists (Visconti, Caffi, Dell'Anna, Gualdo) and jurists (Bambi, Pagni, Cappellini) within the four units (Genoa, Lecce, Viterbo, Florence).

Programma di ricerca:

Prin: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale – Bando 2017

Responsabile del Progetto:

PI nazionale: Jacqueline Visconti

Soggetti coinvolti (unità operative/partner) :

Università degli Studi di Genova: Jacqueline Visconti
Università del Salento: Maria Vittoria Dell’Anna
Università degli Studi della Tuscia: Riccardo Gualdo
Università degli Studi di Firenze: Federigo Bambi

Ente finanziatore:

Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca - Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca. Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione della Ricerca

Totale finanziamento:

413.352 €

Ultimo aggiornamento 9 Gennaio 2024