The Construction of European Networks during the Long Eighteenth Century. Diplomatic Figures and Literary Communication

This project aims to reconstruct the way in which Europe as a cultural space came to be defined in the period stretching from the late 17th-early 19th centuries by means of the ties forged among men of letters and the diplomatic network. Studying this dynamic from an Italian perspective is particularly interesting as, during the 18th century, the older geopolitical reality in the Italian peninsula had, from a European point of view, formed an area of crucial interest where the envoys of the various powers intervened extensively. By exploiting the privileges of their status, as well as the leeway often accorded by belonging to Masonic reseaux, many of them dedicated themselves to cultural mediation and promotion. The network of ties they contributed to creating represented a decisive spur to the study of antiquity and artistic production, along with the circulation of texts, translations, theatrical works, and publishing. Overall, and above all through the literary works at the centre of our investigation, in its turn this mass of exchanges favoured the diffusion of political themes, new philosophical paradigms, and scientific models.
From a general long-term perspective, the project therefore intends to contribute to reflection on the process of how the European area came to be defined and the way in which it was formed; this will be compared with other geopolitical models, both ancient and modern: on the one hand there are the republics of the ancient world, the Roman empire, and the oriental ‘tyrannies’; while on the other lie the Russian and Turkish ‘Orient’, the Swiss Federal Republics, and the USA.
From a wider perspective, yet more internal to the discipline, the purpose of the project is also that of demonstrating the central role of literature in the political dynamics of the Ancien Régime and the historical phase immediately after, as well as contributing to a new conception of the problems of periodization and historiographical articulation by focusing on this crucial juncture in the transition to modernity.

Programma di ricerca

Prin: Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale – Bando 2017

Responsabile del Progetto

PI nazionale: Francesca Fedi (Università di Pisa)

Soggetti coinvolti (unità operative/partner)

Unità di Genova: Luca Beltrami
Unità di Roma “La Sapienza”: Silvia Tatti
Unità di Padova: Valentina Gallo

Ente finanziatore

Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca - Dipartimento per la formazione superiore e per la Ricerca. Direzione Generale per il Coordinamento, la promozione e la valorizzazione della Ricerca

Totale finanziamento

370.665 €

Ultimo aggiornamento 9 Gennaio 2024